More strength to you for 2024, and 2025, and everything before and after..

The more we focus on the numbers, we tend to forget on what happens between those numbers, that's my take on the new years resolutions and whatnot.. I made the resolution to run 2023KMs in 2023, but didn't even make 1000K.. So, my year has gone down the drain on that front.. But it went up in other fronts, so all is not lost..

The arc doesn't stop with the numbers, may your arc point upwards..

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I absolutely love seeing it from this perspective 🩵 thank you for sharing :) May the year ahead be filled with moments big and small that contain love and joy and a reminder that we are all doing the best we can. Happy new year!

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Nikki D'Ambrosio

What a great post!! I'm so proud of you and your writing ability. I feel sure there will be future writing opportunities for you. In the meantime try to live your life "One Day at a Time." Love you.

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🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 i think so too :) thank you so much! Love you!!

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My biggest vision for the coming year is to just let my heart continue to blossom- whatever that looks like, it will be enough. Love you and can’t wait to see what this year brings you. ✨

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Yesssss I love that and I love YOU :) Can’t wait to see you soon

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Nikki D'Ambrosio

I definitely resonate with that realization of not being ready to teach and needing to live more life first! That's a huge benefit of having a day job and allowing yourself that time sans pressure.

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100%! And I think realizing that we are teaching simply by showing up and living our lives but we don’t need to rush to get front and center and sharing every single thing we’ve ever learned. I think it will come when it’s meant to :)

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Nikki D'Ambrosio

You became more of "YOU," which is the most important accomplishment a person could achieve.

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Couldn’t have done it without you 🤍 Love you

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