I could have restacked this entire post! I think the reality is most things are “slow” which really makes them the normal pace.

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Agreed and when we only see the highlight reels or the one off “overnight success” we will always feel behind

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Thank you for writing this. Thank you for being you.

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I’m sooo happy it resonated. Happy to be connected with you in this little corner of the internet :)

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Nikki D'Ambrosio

Thank you for sharing it so openly, I found so much comfort in what you are sharing here, because it's something that I too go through with my practice and my own reflections, so finding your letter feels like a reaffirming message from the universe, to focus on continue creating because what it does to me, what happens inside of me it's so much more important and connecting with that intention creates an openness for everything else.

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Ahh, Liz, thank you so much for this comment. A million times YES to everything you shared. Keep sharing, it is a gift to the world! xo

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Jacqueline’s share brought me here--and yes, this resonated a lot. It’s my mindset for my Substack coming off a project where I wanted it to be everything to everyone and was gutted when it wasn’t -- even though it positively impacted a few people. I put that project on the back burner and perhaps I can come back to it in the future but I decided not to bury it but put it out there as is. It gets the least engagement but I’m okay with that.

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I hope you can return to that project in the future but I’m glad it brought you to Substack :) I’ve had so many project “fails” that I loved and thought so many would, too, but it didn’t unfold that way. But I’m still grateful for them because I learned so much and it led me to where I am today!

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Yes I did learn a lot from it, including video editing skillz!

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This is a beautiful piece of writing and totally resonates with me. I came to Substack with no email list, have poured my heart and soul into my writing for just over a year, and now have 62 subscribers. For some that’s a total fail. For me, I’m loving exploring who I am as a writer and I get such a thrill when someone gives me positive feedback. Thanks for sharing.

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I am SO happy you shared this. Thank you, Jacqueline. Often, it is less about the numbers more about the actual process of bringing something into existence. I'm so happy you are here, and hope you continue to write. Thank you for the kind words :)

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Nikki D'Ambrosio

I love reading your writings and appreciate your vulnerability and keeping it real. Overnight success is a hard metric to compare ourselves to! I'm right there with you on the ability to impact one person & remembering the ripple effect that that also brings 💕

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Thank you Amanda! Definitely - sometimes we will never know the true impact!

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