Oct 4, 2023Liked by Nikki D'Ambrosio

Thanks for the shout-out Nikki! I loved your post. Especially “In effort to be a little kinder to myself, I continue to work on releasing expectations of how my life is supposed to look.” So great!

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Yesss, it’s an on going practice. Thank you for the love! I love your writing <3

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“...but I keep feeling like, when am I going to feel like myself again?” Ohh I feel like I’ve experienced this many times but most notably for most of 2022. I went through so many shifts so quickly, and moved through painful and dark places, and was so secluded. I remember feeling this way and also slowly coming to the realization that I was never going to feel like that self again because I wasn’t her anymore. It was like discovering myself and the world all over again.

Also, I saw you post about this reader event and I’m so intrigued! Hoping to make one when I’m back in the area.

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YES this!!!! Discovering myself all over again - I love that. It’s so hard not to cling on to the old versions of ourself but also so freeing to make space for a new one to come in. Yes definitely to Reading Rhythms it’s such a sweet event

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deletedOct 4, 2023Liked by Nikki D'Ambrosio
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Haha! I remind myself of this so often but it always helps to hear it from someone else. Appreciate youuuu!

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